Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week 37 (Jun 4, 2012): Happy and Safe

Mi querida familia,

This has been a great week! They are closing the cyber early so I wont be able to write a whole lot, but wanted to tell you that I am happy and safe andddddd that I am soo grateful to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know that this is God´s church and that He leads and directs this work. He is the head of this church and leads us through His Prophet, Presidente Monson. I love my Savior and learn every day how I can show Him that I love Him as I keep the commandments and serve those around me.

Sure do love you all so much.


su Hermana Jones


1. Walking to a lesson. It is gorgeous here!
2. Marcos y Noelia, this is right after we had a lesson and watched the Restauracion. They felt the Spirit really strong. Thanks for the CTR rings Mom! I always have some in my backpack and they were SOOOO excited! I told them that they were from you and that made them happy.
3. Quiero presentar: MIDIUM!!!! and her two little girls, Nuirim y Niyum. They will be baptized with other missionaries in the future. It is so hard to stop visiting someone, but its not so hard when you remember and feel that in some day, the missionaries after us will be able to help her get baptized.
4. I hope you can see the bug in the jar. I want you to know that yes. I put him in the jar all by my self haha! His body is almost as long as my hand! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

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