Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week 34 (May 14, 2012): A Mission - Hard but Sweet

Mi querido familia,

I sould think of a better subject line, buuuttt... "i love you" is the only thing I can think of when I write these letters. It was so great to see all of you but as I talked to each of you, it was just confirmed even more that my time and place in life right now is serving the Lord in Paraguay. I love it here. We just had our stake conference a few weeks ago and it was really neat to listen to a sister who had just gotten back from her mission. In her testimony she said that the mission wasnt hard but sweet. She went on to explain that it is like a sugar cube (okay weird but hear me out!). It is hard...but in the end it is just sweet. I dont know if that made any sense, but I hope it did! Every day there is something that is hard for each missionary but at the end of the day as I sit down to write in my journal, I can only think of all of the blessings and miracles that we have seen and have been given. And you cant even remember how hard it might have felt at the moment but are just filled with a solem gratitude that you have the opportunity to serve the Lord and litterally fight for your brothers and sisters. I am learning to do that... it is hard in the moment but so "sweet" in the end. And I love it and will always be so grateful to Heavenly Father for sending me here to Paraguay.

One of my favorite families in the ward, the familia Cabdevilla, have two kids, Mauricio and Flo. Mauricio is your age Nick and you and Spencer would seriously be best friends with him! I can see him sitting there and playing chess for hours or RIsk. Ah how I Miss that game hahah.

Well, Mauricio brought his best friend to church yesterday! I was so excited for him!! Hno. Cabdevilla even said that they were talking to his parents to see if he could recieve the missionary lessons so that, as a missionary, made me even more excited!! Hno. Gomez, the young mens president, is kind of loud and very funny and practically asked me in front of Mauricio´s friend, Carlos Denis, if he was going to be baptized! I wasnt sure what to say because it was his first time to come to church and we had barly introduced ourselves. haha Hno. Gomez said it kinda-of jokingly but you could tell he was kind of serious and Mauricio was really embarassed. hahah I was excited that he invited a friend.

A quick neat story... do you remember the grandma, Antonia "abuelita" who is always kinda cranky? Well we felt like we should visit her the other day and we ended up having a miracle! Her neighbor´s son, Juan, had come home. He was baptized a long time ago and was a local missionary for a couple of months but has not been home for a longgg time and has not been to church for almost a year. We finally met him and talked to him about why he had not been to church. He didnt say much and as we invited him to come to churhc the next day, he seemed really reluctant to tell us that he would come. Well... HE CAME!!! We didnt have a single investigator in teh congregation but Juan came and I was sooo excited!

As we were talking to him afterwards he looked around and asked us if Charlie Aldier, a 12 year-old, who has not been to church in a long time also. Come to find out that he baptized this boy...and so now we have Juan to help us get Charlie come back to church and other members to help us with Juan!

I love you all and I love this Gospel.

¡Que tengan un buen semana!


su Hna. Jones

Jess can you send me Monicas and Hollies mission addresses please?! Thaks!

Daddy, After church during lunch I get to play the piano and have been playing a song that Hna. Arnell has called, "My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee" by Rob Gardner. You would love it... they are the words of the Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith when he was in prision.

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