Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week 35 (May 21, 2012): Meeting Noelia

Mi querida familia,

Its been a great week.

We have found a lot of new investigators. Oh, by the way, I am starting my fith transfer in Ñemby and I was so relieved that the Lord still wants me here in this area. We are still training Hermana Ojeda, but she just got news that this next Monday, she will be flying out to Argentina to start working in her assigned mission. That made me really sad because I love her so much. She is the really sweet one in our companionship and I love being in a trio because you learn so much from eachother.

We have also been starting to work with a little girl named Noelia. She is the cousin of the less active member that I told you about last week named Juan. She loves the Book of Mormon but it is really hard for her to read. We gave her the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet and she was so excited and showed it to her mom. She just turned 12 April 17th and reminds me a lot of Alexandra. She just is really really happy and has a huge smile. And she looks like she is going to break she is so skinny. haha Anyways we have had a girl named Mariela in the lessons with us and she is thirteen years old and they are best friends now. That is a missionaries dream. Noelia lives about a thirty minute walk from our house in Bario San Miguel and lives in very very humble circumstances. She came to church yesterday in jeans and a nice shirt. I wanted to give her one of my skirts but it would just fall right off! She loved the church the other day and she is excited to get baptized in the beginning of june. She has her Moms permission and we are just trying to teach her Mom now!

I have a big testimony that the Lords hand can be seen in our lives in the tiniest ways. I have seen so many times these past couple of days the smallest tiniest things that happened that I KNOW was because Heavenly Father knew it was important to me. I wont even give the examples because they were things that were so small that you would laugh, but Heavenly Father, being a perfect Father, made sure that I was blessed in so many tiny little ways just because He loves me so much. I love Him and I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love the Gospel. I know that it is true and ther is no other way to be happy and return to live with Father in Heaven other than throught the Gospel of His Son.

I love you all so much. More than I could ever say. Thank you for your prayers. I know that you pray for me, my companions andn the people I work with every day. My family here in Paraguay. Prayers are heard. They are answered. Thank you for all of your love that you show as you live the Gosple.


Hermana Jones

ps.Daddy, happy birthday! ahem... sorry HHAAAPYYY BIRTHDATY DADDY. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!

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