I hope that everyone is happy! This has been a great week full of surprises and miracles! We are in a trio again and I love it! Our new companion will be here just for this cambio until she gets her visa for Argentina!
Our District Leader needed some inormation, so my time has run out... Norma, Midium and her marido Cristian, Aquilina and Lareano are doing great. They are progressings little by little. The greatest gift Heavenly Father could give me at this point in my life is to play a role in helping them come unto Christ.
I love you all so much and I LOVE THE GOSPEL!!!! Dios les bendiga. (and I promise the next weeks email will be a little longer!)
les queiro,
su Hermana Jones
Grandpa... I still need your address!!! love you!
1. Ña Lina.. we are not teaching her right now, but she is a good friend of ours. She has had MANY experiences with the misisonaries and would be very surprized if she doesnt get baptized one day...
2. Hna. Ojeda, use with president and Sister Callen and all of the new missionaries! While she waits for her visa, she is going to be with us just for this cambio and then she will be serving in southern Argentina! She is an amazing missionary and has an incredible testimony that is felt by those that get to know her! She is from northern Paraguay.
3.Francisca...haha maybe i shouldnt have taken this one, but i was just so excited... she was baptized in Agosto y she hasnt been to church in a long time. When we got to her house, she was sitting outside reading in the Book of Mormon! She learned how to read in general when she started reading the Book of Mormon!!!
4. Fuimos al templo! The Lords people will be a covenant people. It was such a blessing to go to the temple.
5. The end of the week for a missionary. This is what we had to eat. haha
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