Hermana Ojeda recieved her visa finaly for Argentina and left for the airport at 2:30 this morning. Ah that might be ONE of the hardest parts of the mission for me is saying goodbye to people. I love her a lot and will miss her, but I know that is where the Lord needs her and so am excited for her at the same time.
Noelia and her brothers are really excited to be baptized and I was thinking a lot this morning about the requirements for someone to be baptized and as I studied in Doctirna y Convenios about each of these different requirements, I realized just that much more how "pure" and quick to believe and repent kids are. We took them to a baptisimal service the other day and when we asked them afterwards what part was their favorite part of the baptism service, Marcos said "when she went down into the water!" and Noelia agreed. She started to cry during the service and you could tell that they both, Marcos and Noelia, could feel the spirit. Marcos asked us..."Christ was baptized, wasnt He?"..."but He didnt have any sins so why did He get baptized?". If we could all be like "the children" we would be so much more humble and quick to follow Christ and so much happier! Their Mom is going to come to church this Sunday!
Mauricio Cabdavilla is doing a great job inviting his friend, Carlos Denis (13 años) to church and he came again yesterday! We had a lesson with Carlos Denis and the flia. Cabdevilla and he is such a great kid! He accepted a baptisimal date the 16th of June! He was a little nervous to pray during the lesson, so Mauricio loving said told him, "thats okay, this is the page (in the pamphlet) that teaches us how to pray and I can teach you how and the next time you can pray!". He is a shy kid but spends almost every day with Mauricio at his house doing homework and hanging out and the Flia. Cabdavilla is one of the strongest families in the Gospel that I know so he is learning by example! We will be meeting his parents and sisters this week and sharing with them!
Vincente has been having a lot of problems lately. We havent seen him in over a week and his mom also. She went downtown today to look for him... sometimes he leaves when he is frustrated but we are really woried right now for him. Hno. Miguel offered to go with Hna. Leanor to look for him. Keep him in your prayers.
I love this Gospel. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and am grateful for the knowledge that my Heavenly Father will love me no matter what. Each and every one of us, He has a plan...and it is so much greater than we can imagine!
love you all,
Hermana Jones
1. We blew up 50 balloons for Hermana Arnells birthday while she was getting ready sunday morning and then surprised her!
2. La familia Gomez- Hno Gomez was working, but we eat with them every saturday. A familiy with a big, big heart and with a dad who has never grown up! ahah They take really good care of us. Hna Gomez is the relief society president!
3. in order: Hna. Arnell, Noelia, Hna. Ojeda, yo, Elias, Isryel, y Marcos! They are all reading their Book of Mormons and will be baptized on the 16th of June! I love teaching kids... they
4. Hna. Correa and her daughter daisy- it was her birthday and she loves brownies so we surprised her! She was really happy!
5. It was so good to see Hermana Plummer and her VERY American parents. I forget sometimes how much I stand out with my hair and think I am Paraguaya already!
6. Hna. Ceci and I - a recent convert. She is so funny. We had a lesson about family history work and afterwards she was really excited but said that she thought it was a little overwhelming with all of her family that are not members.
7. 2:30 en la madrugada! I hate hate hate goodbyes...and I stood on our porch waving until we couldnt see the car... like I always do :)
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