Sunday, December 9, 2012

27 de Agosto 2012,

Dear Mom, Dad, Nick, Spencer and Caden,

So, yesterday we talked to a lady in the street who told us, "Oh, I know about Mormons!  They are having a huge celebration in Italy with over 4,000 people.  My daughter is there working in Rome!!"  I was confused at first but as we talked, I realized she was talking about the temple!  I don't know how to describe it, but as we walked away, I just wanted to cry and shout out loud (okay..the spirit:)  I was so excited- It is something I can't describe, I FEEL an excitement...not just by me, but those beyond the veil.

 The Lord is preparing to come...I can feel it.  I am excited that just one more temple has been dedicated.  One thing that made me sad was that the mission secretary sent us an email telling us that the area presidency has said that our duty, as missionaries is not for the salvation of souls on the other side of the veil, so we can only go to the temple one time every year and then once at the end of our missions.  I do agree and will support what they say, but I long to go to the learn and remember the billions of things that you learn there- to find strength in my covennats.  Take ADVANTAGE of your time in the temple or to be ABLE to go!!

The picture I sent you a few weeks ago of the little girls with our backpacks...well, it was interesting.  Yesterday, we left early to find an investigator (to wake them up ha ha) who lives in their neighborhood, so she could come to church.  Well, she didn't end up coming to church, so we went to Hermana Clotilde's house (less-active member to remind her to come to church.  She said she wouldn't go, but sent some of her beautiful grandkids to come with us.  As we waited and helped them put on their shoes, I tried to brush their hair that is always matted down with knots...we were trying to hurry so we could make it on time.  Danya (11 anos), Nigeli (8 anos) and Michele (6 anos) came with us and are always so excited to come!  They always scream our names and tackle us.

Nigeli could feel the Spirit while we were at church and said that she wanted to get baptized.  As we walked them to cross the street after church, hand in hand, I looked down at Michele with the typical dirt covering her freckles and sweat pants fromt he 80's and her typical grin as she smiled up at us and swung my hand and I couldn't stop smiling and then had the best thought of, "I can't wait to see you one day again when we are with Heavenly Father again!"  I have had those feelings so many times...but only with very specific people.

I love the people of much.
I am excited to one day return to the presence of my Father in Heaven and be with our familia forever and be able to continue being with those that I love from Paraguay. 

I pray that I can bring souls to Him-help them receive the blessings of the Gospel  - share the gospel with a friend!!!

Les amo muchisimo,
Su Hermana Jones 

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