Sunday, December 9, 2012

25 de Junio 2012 (hand written letter to the family)

Querida Familia,
I sure do love all of you. I keep forgetting you are not in school, but are enjoying summer! It's getting colder here but it's really not that bad...supposedly it only gets super cold for a month (Julio), so I am getting ready!

I thought it was neat what I learned in the scriptures in 3 Nefi 23. The Lord asks to see the records they have kept of the prophecies of the prophets. When Nefi brought them to Him, Christ asks Him why he hadn't written some of the prophecies of Samuel the Lamanite. Nefi realizes he should have written the prophecies and the Lord commands them to write them. It doesn't say how Nefi reacted, but I am sure, as a prophet, he was very humbled with the counsel the Lord gave to him. I am learning to be more humble. I want to be humble and patient.

I didn't tell you that I finished the Book of Mormon! It was about a week or two ago, and I was reading late at night as Hermana Arnell and I were in our room. As I closed my Libro de Mormon, finishing the last words of Moroni, I was filled with a sure testimony that the book was true. The Spirit filled my heart and the room. I know the Book of Mormon is true.

A quick story from my new ward. There is the family Parini and we had lunch with them on Wednesday/Friday (I can't remember which day?!) and Hermana Parini just grabbed my arms as I walked in and gave me the biggest hug telling me, "this is your home!" She told us, whenever the missionaries come over, her husband always worries a ton about what they are going to cook for us. They have a farm that he works at during the week and then comes home for the they made cream with cookies from his cows.

!Amo a los Paraguayos! I know this is Christ's church. !Les quiero y espero que tengan una semana buenisima! !Podemos esta justos para siempre!

Su Hermana Jones

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