Sunday, December 9, 2012

20 de Agosto 2012 (hand written letter to family)

Mi Querida Mom, Dad, Nick, Spencer and Caden,

How are all of you?!  I am sitting at my desk listening to "Book of Mormon Stories".  I LOVE  the scriptures so much...we are so blessed to have prophets today.

We studied about the prophets in our Gospel Principles class and it would have been the best for our investigator, Carmen Gonzalez.  Sundays are so different now.  Everything we do during the week is in preparation for Sunday...personally and with your investigators to help them get to church and it is the best feeling when they come because it means they are just THAT much closer to being  BAPTIZED!

Nick and two are going to be INCREDIBLE missionaries.  As  I am a missionary, I see the missionaries that have a lot of success and see my siblings/parents in them. :)

One missionary named Elder Marina, is from Honduras and reminds me of you, Spencer...LOTS of energy and always excited planning the next event (or baptism)  Your energy and passion (and way of being on time ha ha), will be great strengths to you, buddy.  His energy and enthusiasm for the work and the people has helped him to be a great instrument in the hands of the Lord!  Another missionary, Elder Pouce, is also from Honduras is a lot like you, Nick.  :)  Nick you have always been very kind and loving and put the Lord first.  Your love for Him and way of understanding others will allow you to be a "Captain Moroni" missionary-you and Spencer (and Caden).

Caden...well, bud, you love to read, so I am sure you will grow to love the scriptures and be a strong missionary, too!

No, but really...let's all, ALWAYS be missionaries and pray always for opportunities to share the Gospel-The Good News!"

Les quiero muchisimo-que tengan una buena semana.
Hermana Jones

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