Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 58 (Oct 28, 2012): "My Life has Completely Changed!"

Querida familia,

Estoy feliz... I am grateful that my parents taught me to have faith and to "do hard things" (philippeans 4:13) and for a companion that teaches me so much and for my calling as a missionary... and just everything. I am grateful that we can repent and "put off the natural man" and for that I am grateful for my Father in Heaven. That He loves me and is patient with me and has blessed me, Hermana Jones, even though I am SO far from perfect, to represent His Son. I sometimes cannot believe it. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost that teaches us when we change and helps us feel when our Father in Heaven is proud of us. I know that this is His church and that I am a daughter of God. Our investigators and less- active members... okay everyone, need to know and feel what I do and what we do. There are so many people that need to hear the Gospel... share it! I know our Father in Heaven gives us blessings and talents because He trusts us to share them with His children to bring glory to His name.

Nimia told us just a few days ago how happy their family is now. She hadnt told us this earlier, but that they were about to seperate when the Lord guided us to her house. "We dont fight any more...I feel so different...My life has completly changed" are just a few of the words that she has said. She is even bringing friends to church because she is so convinced that this is the true church! Her little sister Luciana and her boyfriend Reinaldo are going to get married and baptized too at the end of this month! Keep them in your prayers.

We had the amazing experience of having a converence with just missionaries for a couple of hours with Elder Bednar sat. morning and then we had stake conference with him and his wife sunday morning! Something so exciting that he said was, "the time will come, and is not far distant, that Paraguay will be filled with stake centers"... he talked about the INCREDIBLE growth that Paraguay was going to see... and then he said, "but it will depend on you members... to the extent you keep your covenants and live the gospel."

I know that he is an apostle of the Lord. I know that President Monson is the senior apostle and that Christ is the head of His church. I am grateful to be a member and a representative. Thank you for your prayers and i love you all.


hermana jones
Bautizmo de Nimia y Erika! they look tired because they are but they were SO HAPPY!
Erika, Hna. Santiago y yo!
Adibe Harika- she wasnt progressing, but i love her lots...
After the conference with Elder and Sister Bednar! We of course werent allowed to take a picture with him, but it was incredible... better than general conference! ... almost :)... Hna. Ence, Hna. Arnell, yo y Hna. Santiago (we are in the same stake so I have gotten to see her lots!)
Barrio Yukuky (pronounced: you- cuh -tuh... kinda hahah its guartani!) this is a picture in our poorest neighborhood... they have a HUGE sand area where they all get together on Sundays... right before we entered into a lesson, we stuck her camera on the wooden posts of their fence.. the hill behind us is called cerro lambare where hna. santiago lets me run every other day up to the top... :)
and Claudio just got baptized!!!! yesterday...their family is so much happier right now!

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