Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 52 (Sep 17, 2012): Servants of the Lord of the Vineyard

Querida familia,

It´s starting to get hot again and we are just starting spring!
woohoo 45 C with humidity! I am surprised that anyone lets us into
their houses because we are so sweaty!

Yesterday we had a stake conference with other stakes in Uruguay and
THE PROPHET spoke with one of the apostles, Elder Anderson! They
didnt tell us that he would be speaking so when he showed up on the
screen I almost cried! okay, i did.

We are teaching a mom named Nimia and her daughter Erika. Erika is
friends with Nigeli (the little girl who was going to be baptized, but
cant until her mom gives her permission).

They came to the conference and it was their first time at church and
they came the whole fourty-five minutes to the stake center in Pinosa!
President Monson talked a lot about "the rescue" or "el rescate"...
and told us a story of a less active member who said, "I know where
the church is, I just need someone to show me the way."

A neat story about how the Lord puts people in our path who are ready
to listen to and accept the Gospel:

As we made it to the conference and walked into the overstuffed
chapel, the elders said, "hermana, hermana! There is a family that is
here and wants to talk to you!"
As Hna. Ruis and I walked in, a short lady with super curly hair came
up and gave me the biggest hug. "Hermana Jones!" she said excitedly,
"I want you to meet my family!"

I recognized her face, but had no. idea. who she was, haha.
I couldnt tell her that because she had been so excited to introduce
me to her family and everything so later I asked the Elders from her
ward who she was and how she knew me.

Come to find out that the last transfer, Hna. Andrade and I talked to
her in the street when she was going home from work. She had been
really sad about something.

As I thought about it, I remembered her face and where we had been
when we had talked to her. I remember that she had been sitting
waiting for her bus just outside of our apartment but all I can
remember is her crying a lot and us praying to know what to say. We
then had invited her to talk to the Elders in her neighborhood.

Well, a short time after, the Elders came to her door. She recognized
the black name tag and excitedly let them in. She is now preparing to
be baptized with one of her daughters and her son and other daughter
were baptzied last weekend.

I have been reading Jacob 5 for these past few days trying to
understand it better and this part comes to mind when I think of this
experience... in Jacob 5:72 and 6:2 that the Lord called servants to work in the
vinyard for the last time. We are those servants... members and
full-time missionaries... and it says something like "and the Lord of
the vinyard worked with them". This story is one of a million that
every missionary and member sees... the Lord will work miracles
acording to our faith. This is His work and His glory... and we each
have the privelge to be a part of it as the Lord prepares the world
and every one of Gods children for His second coming.

¡Les quiero cada uno de ustedes!

su hermana jones

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