Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 57 (Oct 22, 2012): Nimia and Claudio Get Married!

Querida familia,

How are all of you!? This morning I only had an orange in the fridge so I ate mangos from our mango tree for breakfast... mmmmm!

Nimia and Claudio got married!!! And then Sunday morning we almost had a tornado during the night (not joking... lamp posts had fallen down and everything) and Nimia and Erika barely made it to their baptism because there was so much mud that they couldnt get out of their neighborhood! Claudio will be getting baptized this next Saturday because he needs to be more prepared for his baptism but he has agreed to being baptized this saturday night....but the baptism or his WIFE and daughter was very exciting and the spirit was so strong when they were confirmed.

Nimia is excited to go to the temple in a year to be sealed and Claudio is starting to understand everything a little better.

We helped the primary with their primary program and Erika had a part and everything about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. When you are in church... LOOK for those people that need extra attention and love. I used to go to church because I felt like it was another home for me... and I loved the scriptures and loved the people there. Now I realized even more just how important it is to be able to go to church and every moment at church is a time to serve... not just those close familiy friends that i love so much that, yes, i can help, but those that are sitting alone or feel different than the rest of the ward. Whatever it is... I realize now the importance of following the spirit to know who I need to talk to and help. I realize how far a smile and a hug really go. Many investigators or less-active members remember "the one who always gives me a hug" or "always asks me how i am doing". Please look for those that are in need and with a prayer and faith the Lord softly tells us which of his children need our help.

I often thought... "that would be so neat to have been a convert to the church... it would help me so much with investigators!". But I have realized that we are all converts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We all reach a point in our lives where we finally understand the commandments and what the Gospel of Jesus Christ really means and we want to change and repent and follow him in EVERYTHING that we do...I love the Gospel and my Savior and want to be like Him. I am so grateful that I can repent and be a convert to the true church of Jesus Christ.


su Hermana Jones!

¡Que tengan un buen día!

Claudio and Nimia's Wedding

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