Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 50 (Sep 3, 2012): Reinalda and Roberto

Dear family,

Well its been another week of changes! Typical everyday mission life!! My companion Hna. Páez who was serving here as a local missionary had to go home to help her mom so I have another "local" companion named Hna. Fraqueri who is awesome! She will be with me until Sept. 19 and then the mission will recieve new sister missionaries again and I will have a different companion.

This week we are working with a little girl named Nigeli to help her be baptized this weekend. She is sooo excited. Her grandma is a less-active member (clotilde) and all of Nigelis sisters are all members. They were all baptized about five years ago but her mom is now in jail and said yesterday that she didnt want Nigeli to be baptized. The grandma is basically her mom, but Nigeli needs to have the permission of her mom. We are going to talk to some of the church leaders in our ward to go to the jail to talk to her mom. Please keep her in your prayers because she is so excited to be baptized.

Another lesson... the Holy Ghost is the teacher!! We have a part of our area called Yukuty (pronounced Juoo kuh too)...were everyone speaks Guartaní. The majority can speak spanish also, but we found a family that is AMAZING but that speak Guataní! They can speak a little bit of spanish and can read and understand when other people speak to them, but it is really hard for them to speak. Soo it is obvious that Heavenly Father has sent me two paraguayn companions that can speak at least a LITTLE bit of Guartaní so that they can translate in the lessons.

The are named Reinalda y Roberto and have the cutest little son named Junior (3 años). He does NOT speak spanish haha and so after one of the lessons we stayed for a little bit to play soccer with him as his reward for letting us sit and teach his mom and dad. They live in a very very humble neighborhood and have one room for everything. There house is about the size of my bedroom. As I ran around with him, Hna. Frasqueri, Reinalda and Roberto shouted things in Guartaní trying to have me repeat what they said... haaha they just laughed every time I tried to say something. :)

The dad told us (or should i say told Hna Frasqueri and then she told me :)) how much respect they have for God. He said that they "fear God". As we talked to them more, I realized how it was a richeous fear (if that makes sence) or how it is described in the scriptures... that the richeous "fear God" because they understand who he is, our relationship with Him and the commandments that He has given us as His children. Roberto said how they as a family will always keep all of God´s commandments.

I yawned as I sat down the other day at the beginning of the lesson and Roberto said something almost kind of sternly at me. Hna. Frasqueri smiled and looked over at me and said, "He says that there is no ´being tired´ if you are serving the Lord!". I smiled and told him he was right. It took me aback and I was grateful that he and his wife have so much respect for God.

I really dont know how much they have understood the two times we have taught them because hna. f. understands guartaní but cant speak very well, but I know that they felt the Spirit. Hna Britez and her husband speak Guartaní really well so they will be coming to our lessons to help us.

Well, love you all so much! I hope you each have a great week.
I know that this is His Gospel and that the ONLY WAY to be happy is to learn to live it. Oh He loves us so much.


Hermana Jones

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