Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week 5 (Oct 28, 2011): Learning to Rely on the Spirit

Dear Family,

Hello again! It feels like deja vu... like I was just here writing you a day ago. Time has never gone so quickly!! So this week was really amazing. Not anything huge that happened, but I just felt like I learned a lot.

I always thought that I was a decent teacher. I had been able to teach in Sunday School and Relief Society callings for most of my time at BYU and I love teaching. But the more time that I am here and the more lessons that I teach (We work with more and more "investigators" each week) I realize just how far I am from the mark that I thought I was at...if that makes any sense. I remember when I first was called as a sunday school teacher my freshman year and thought I was going to die. I don't know if you remember when I called that night Mom and Dad...actually I am sure you do! I was SO scarred!!! How in the world was I going to teach all of those return missionaries while I was the little eighteen-year-old baby who had maybe given a handful of talks in church and had taught maybe ONE laurel class?!! But the Lord truly does qualifies thoes who he calls. Not that I ever became an amazing teacher, but I was able to fulfill my calling as a teacher and teach by the Spirit. And that was all that He needed me to do. To work hard and trust in Him and that my calling came from Him.

Just like then, the mission is extremely humbling. I have relaized to a great extent just how little of this work I can do without Him. None of it!!! I know that the key to success in the work is having the continued guidance of the Spirit, and relying on the strength that comes from our Savior's Atonement and a loving Father in Heaven. I am learning to become and do what Heavenly Father needs me to do and be.

Investigators...Hermana Willnauer and I cannot be companions in the field. We laugh too much!! Our investigators that we are working with this week are Rojelio and Miguel. We have been working with them for the past two weeks and they both have ´baptismal dates´´!!

Yo se que nosotros tenemos un Padre Celestial amoroso. Nos ama mucho mas y el nos ama tan mucho que el da su hijo, Jesucristo, mortar por nuestros pecados y proveer un manera a volver a El con nuestros familias. Yo se Presidente Thomas S. Monson es una profeta de nuestro Padre Celestial y que cuando nostoros seguir la voluntad de Dios constantemene, recibiremos mucho bendiciones por nos y nosotros familias. Yo se que El Libro de Mormon y la Santa Biblia son the palabra de Dios y que Jose Smith restaurada la iglesia de Dios y el sacerdocio de Dios que fue lleno. Yo se que nosotros somos los hijos de Dios y que Dios es la Padre de la spiritus de nos.

Hard to type in Spanish but... I love you all. More than I can say. I love serving a mission. The Lord sustains those He calls... and all of us in everything our Father in Heaven needs us to do.

Con mucho besos y ambrosos,

Hermana Natasha Jones

ps boys' your letter is on the way!!!!

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