Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 23 (Mar 5, 2012): The Joy of Reading the Book of Mormon

Dear family,

Well its been another great week. Another Sister who just got here in Paraguay had to go home and so Hermana Plummer recieved a call late Tuesday night and we had to take her up to the office in Asuncion to have a companion change and take this sister´s place. At first i was really sad because she litterally is like a sister for me and i love her and miss her lots. But there is a purpose in everything and I already love and am learning so much from Hermana Arnell. It was really hard for Hermana Plummer to leave.

Our investigator Norma is progressing really well. She still has a lot of fear of changing her religion and actually coming to church but she is reading sooo much in her Book of Mormon and learns quickly. She is the lady that I wrote about a few weeks ago and we had contacted her weeks before and found her house por fin weeks later. Her youngest son Gabriel is really insistent with his Mom to come to church and is alwasys asking when they are going to go.

We were so worried about one of our investigators, Midium. She is a mother of two little girls and lives with her "marido" Christian. They still arent married. She had been progressing so much and then we had a lesson with her a few days ago and it was like she didnt have any interest any more and wasnt excited about her baptism date. But she told us Saturday that she had been asking herself, "Why do I feel so sad again?" And she told us she remembered how she had felt when she had been reading and studying her Book of Mormon. So she opened up the next day and started reading in 3Nefi11 that we had left with her and she and her daughter read together and marked with pen their favorite scriptures all the way to 3Nefi 22!!!! We have set a baptisimal date for the end of this month. She came to church yesterday but could only stay for sacrament meeting because her little girls were scarred to stay for their classes, but the members made her feel very welcomed which made me very greatful.

Vincente is doing great. We are still working with him and his mom to go to the temple together to do baptisims. They practice reading together almost every day. He was going to pass the sacrament for the first time this sunday, but got there late so the Young Men couldnt show him how to do it. Every time you are with Vincente, something funny happens.

I cant get these pictures to work, but I will send some next week.

I just want to bear my testimony. I love this Gospel. I am so greatful for the knowledge that I am a daughter of God and He loves me and has sent me to the Earth to learn and to grow to become more like Him. I am so greatful for my Savior and am learning more and more every day just how much in debt I am to Him and how I could never ever ever repay Him for His life and sacrifice and so with that, I learn to love sacrifice. I have a long ways to go, but I am learning and He is patient. I love the scriptures and am greatful for the gift of the Holy Ghost and the knowledge of the plan that Heavenly Father has for each one of us. Everything that I know and believe traces back to that one point. We have a Father in Heaven. He loves us. I testify of that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Te quiero a todo de ustedes,

Hermana Natasha Jones

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